Alta Gracia Websdr - LU3HBS - LU6FLZ - LU1HCM

Websdr en Alta Gracia - Sierras de Cordoba - Funcionado en Raspberry Pi4 + Rtl Sdr V3 , operado por LU6FLZ, LU3HBS y LU1HCM admin e-mail

Este websdr se encuentra emplazado en un cerro a 955 m sobre el nivel del mar en la zona de Villas Ciudad de America, Actualmente se encuentra funcionando con una antena DIPOLO RIGIDO CON CARGA LINEAL a 3 mts de altura y su orientacion es de 350° hacia el norte y 170° hacia el sur, cualquier duda o sugerencia puede utilizar el chat. 73 del equipo de websdr Alta Gracia

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Allow keyboard:
j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency

Frequency: kHz

Or tune by clicking/dragging/scrollwheel on the frequency scale.

? kHz @ -6dB; ? kHz @ -60dB.
Or drag the passband edges on the frequency scale.
Waterfall view:
Or use scroll wheel and dragging on waterfall.

? dB; peak ? dB;
mute squelch autonotch
Signal strength plot:
Call of station that you hear:
Comments, if any:
Note: time, frequency, your name/call, and DXCC information are added automatically.
View the last 20 lines of the logbook, or the entire logbook (ctrl-click for new tab/window).

This WebSDR is currently being used by ? user(s) simultaneously:      compact view

This chatbox is intended to discuss the operation of the WebSDR.
The operators of this site disclaim any responsibility for text appearing in this chatbox.
